Privacy policy.

Here at, privacy is very important and I hope that the policy below gives you a clear understanding of how this site aims to keep data safe.

Data We Collect

We collect data and information when you perform actions on our website such as signing up for our newsletter or purchasing a product. Information collected may include items such as name, telephone number, mailing address, and email address. These items are used for their intended purpose which is made clear at the time of capture. For example, information collected during a purchase is used to ensure that the product you purchased arrives at the correct location.

Payments for merch and donations are processed using a service called Stripe. You can read more about their privacy policy here.

We may use tracking pixels from Facebook or Google to track the effectiveness of our own advertising efforts on these platforms. These pixels are used to help us understand how our advertisements work and ensure that we can invest our time and effort into the right places.

We do not and will not share any of our data with third-party services unless required to do so by law.